Tuesday 15 April 2014

What Are The Health Benefits Of Turmeric Powder?

In Indian culture Turmeric symbolizes purity, prosperity and fertility. It can be used as condiment in all type of food items; it is a necessary ingredient of all types of curries. It is also famous as Indian Saffron due to its color and properties.

Health Benefits of Turmeric Powder

Turmeric powder is potent and safe anti-inflammatory; compound found in this spice called Curcumin has shown potent anti-inflammatory properties which are much better than many over the counter medicines. The best part of it is that turmeric provides strong anti-inflammatory effects without increasing toxicity as associated with OTC medicines.

It is very effective treatment for inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn�s and ulcerative colitis. Turmeric has been found so effective that even a small quantity supplied by using it as spice in curries or lentils also provides substantial curative and preventive effects.

Powerful anti-oxidant properties make it an extremely beneficial remedy for all types of diseases and aliments propagated by free radicals. It is prescribed to patients of Rheumatic arthritis due to its powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Turmeric has been found highly effective in treating Cystic Fibrosis, a type of lung diseases. The Curcumin compound found in this powder can inhibit the activity of protein which causes this problem and transfer it out of the cells through calcium channel.

Curcumin possesses powerful anti-oxidant properties which inhibits activity of free radicals and prevent formation of cancer cells. Frequent use of Turmeric has shown significant results in preventing liver, colon, breast and lung cancer.

Prostate cancer is one of leading killer today, Turmeric powder used with cauliflower or vegetable with similar properties like Broccoli etc have shown tremendous results in its prevention. Cauliflower cooked with turmeric and olive oil, sea salt and pepper tastes very good and has massive health benefits to prevent prostate cancer.

Turmeric powder is an excellent support for healthy and fit heart and clear arteries; it removes LDL from the body and keeps cardio functions smooth and healthy. Use turmeric in combination with plain yoghurt and mayonnaise and serve along with raw cauliflower, celery and broccoli florets to effectively lower bad fat from the body for healthy heart.

It is highly potent remedy for improving Liver functions and also for preventing Liver cancer. It possesses strong properties to enhance detoxification ability of liver and protect liver cells from toxic substances. Turmeric has been found effective in improving blood flow to brain which prevents untreatable diseases like Alzheimer. It can break barrier of Plaque which slows down blood supply to brain and curb growth of disease.

Read about Darjeeling Loose Leaf Green Tea. Also know Darjeeling Loose Leaf Black Tea.

What Are The Culinary Uses Of Turmeric Powder?

Turmeric powder is native to Indian Sub-continent used as spice and medicine since long time. Turmeric is obtained from plants in the form of rhizomes, if these rhizomes are not used fresh these are boiled and dried for later use. Rhizomes are grounded to form powder which is used in food items to enhance color, taste and of course nutritional value. Turmeric is great source of iron, manganese, vitamin B6, dietary fiber and potassium. It has peppery, warm and bitter flavor and its powder is deep yellow-orange in color. It has been used since long time as condiment, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and as textile dye. In Indian culture Turmeric has a special place; it is used in marriage ceremonies in many ways. Its mixture with mustard oil is applied on the skin of bride and groom for enhancing skin shine, its mixture with water is used for bathing God�s effigy, it is used to coronate special guests, dyeing clothes to make them pure and is used to decorate floors and walls on auspicious o


Culinary Uses of Turmeric Powder

Turmeric is strong in taste and gets stronger when cooked; it provides special aroma and color to the cuisine and improves its nutritional value.

It is used in all types of lentils and always improves their taste and aroma. Turmeric powder is used as necessary condiment in all type of curries including gravies of non-vegetarian dishes.

It is sprinkled on apples saut�©ed in butter, on steamed cauliflower, potatoes, green beans and onions to serve as taste enhancer with food. It is used to color roasted chicken to increase its shelf life and also its taste.

A pinch of turmeric powder over salad improves its looks and taste; it is blended with melted butter to sprinkle over cooked dried vegetables, pasta and gravies or soups.

Rice cooked with Turmeric powder display relishing yellow color and mouth-watering aroma. Famous Indian cuisine �Pulaav� is prepared by using this condiment liberally along with other tasty spices.

It is used in chutneys, pickles and other relishes, and is used to improve flavor and color of butter, cheese, margarine, mustard, jelly, liquor, fruits, drinks, cakes and jellies.

Turmeric powder goes well with all type of spices and vegetables and with many non-vegetarian cuisines. Its combination with onion, garlic, tomato, cumin seeds, celery, rye and red chili or pepper fried in melted butter goes with any cuisine for enhancing taste and aroma.

Read about Darjeeling Loose Leaf Green Tea. Also know Darjeeling Loose Leaf Black Tea.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Kasoori Methi Or Dry Fenugreek Leaves?

Kasoori Methi is used in preparing delectable cuisines and it can be cooked as a vegetable to make a smacking dish. When cooked as a vegetable its high nutritional contents are great for overall health and its unique taste can titillate anyone's taste buds.

One can use Kasoori Methi with carrots, Yums and other starchy vegetables for cooking, sprinkle over buttermilk, juices and for seasoning lentils. One can add Kasoori Methi or dry fenugreek leaves while making lentils to increase its nutrition. It is necessary ingredients of all types of Curries, even in non-veggie dishes it is widely used as condiment for preparing chicken gravy and egg curry.

Health Benefits of Kasoori Methi

Methi or Fenugreek has been used as herb due to its medicinal properties, it is helpful in treating many health disorders and its regular use keeps many ailments away.

Kasoori Methi is tremendously beneficial for breastfeeding women; its regular use enhances milk production. This is a perfectly safe remedy for breastfeeding women who are suffering with low quantity of milk; the compound desogenin in Methi has proven properties to increase milk production in mothers.

Kasoori Methi is an excellent support to lower cholesterol. Regular use of this herb with food can reduce the risk of a heart attack by 25%; it has properties to clear arteries and lower LDL.

500 mg of Methi can be an effective blood sugar controller. Since ancient times in India it has been recommended to people suffering with type 2 diabetes. Recently in studies it has shown significant results and is acceptable as natural aid to control blood sugar levels.

Women in latter phase of their life and approaching menopause shall use this liberally to control symptoms of pre-menopause and pass their menopausal phase easily. This herb contains plant derived phytoestrogen which mimic activity of estrogen to control side effects of hormones in female body.

Kasoori Methi is a homemade remedy for acid reflux and heartburn. Mucilage present in this vegetable forms a coat over intestinal lining and stomach to soothe gastrointestinal inflammation and provide relief from acid formation.

Kasoori Methi or dry fenugreek leaves sprinkled over cooked food or stuffed in �Roti� can be immensely beneficial for improving digestion, facilitating smooth bowel movements and also a cure for skin inflammation and rashes. It is used in various commercial preparations for breast enlargement and is also recommended to certain women to ease child birth by Doctors. Its seeds along with lemon and honey are an age old remedy to reduce fever which is still practiced in rural areas of Indian Subcontinent prominently.

Read about Darjeeling Loose Leaf Green Tea. Also know Darjeeling Loose Leaf Black Tea.

What Are The Culinary Uses Of Kasoori Methi Or Dry Fenugreek Leaves?

Kasoori Methi is dried leave of Fenugreek plant; it has been used as herb and also as a condiment in India since a long time. The bitter taste of this condiment adds extra flavor to food and its aroma is unique and special. Apart from taste and smell its massive health benefits are major reasons behind its use. Methi is available in raw form easily in vegetable markets, these leaves can be taken and washed, wash them two three times to clear all the dust, keep them for a while in a sieve to let the water drop out and later dry them in microwave. Now you have homemade KasooriMethi which is richer in color and aroma and without losing an inch of their health benefits. If this process seems tedious you can buy packed KasooriMethi from any grocery, choose packed instead of loose as packed content holds its freshness and smell longer than loose.

Culinary Uses of Kasoori Methi

Kasoori Methi or dry fenugreek leaves are commonly used as a pickle ingredient; along with other spices these dry leaves are added with pickles for bitter taste and also to improve its nutritional value.

Freshly prepared or well stored KasooriMethi can be sprinkled over Lentils, soups and juices. This will not only enhance taste but also provides special aroma and great nutritional benefits.

KasooriMethi with potatoes is an easy to make and serve cuisine very popular in India. Prepare boiled, dried and mashed potatoes with all spices like onion, garlic, coriander, turmeric, red chili and when these are about to cook add KasooriMethi and keep them on a low heat. This will make a nutritious, tasty and aromatic cuisine to be served with simple Wheat bread or baked Wheat bread.

Kasoori Methi or dry fenugreek leaves also add smacking flavor to dried Cauliflower, prepare cauliflower without gravy with or without potato. Add Kasoori Methi according to the quantity, ideally one teaspoon of for one person. Do not forget to add a teaspoon of sugar, chopped ginger and garnish with Coriander in the end. Cauliflower will taste like never before.

One most easy and best way to enhance taste of your food is by stuffing 'Roti' or 'Parantha' with Kasoori Methi. When your are about to roll the flour paste to make 'Roti' or 'Parantha' sprinkle one teaspoon of 'Kasoori Methi'. This will improve the taste and will also ensure nutrition. One can also use Kasoori Methi while making potato stuffed 'Parantha'.

Read about Darjeeling Loose Leaf Green Tea. Also know Darjeeling Loose Leaf Black Tea.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Hing Asafoetida Powder?

Health benefits of Asafoetida powder are immense. This is potent anti-flatulent and prevents excessive gas formation, acid reflux and heartburn. When used in cooking it promotes easy digestion of food and also provides other health benefits.

Asafoetida is strong digestive aid; its regular use removes problems like slow digestion or lack of hunger. It is good laxative and regularizes bowel movements. It can keep digestive system healthy and also helps body to flush out toxins from the system.

Asafoetida possesses powerful anti-inflammatory properties; it is used with water to relieve migraines and headaches. This spice is also recommended to women having menstrual problems like painful periods, cramps, scanty or irregular periods. It contains compounds which mimic estrogen and remove deficiency of this hormone to provide relief.

Hing powder is excellent expectorant and helps the body in curing chest congestion, curing chronic cough and cough related diseases. It has been found useful in treating Bronchitis, Asthma and even used in treating Influenza.

Asafoetida powder is antispasmodic and anti-coagulant, it works very well for high blood pressure patients as it causes blood thinning and also prevents clot formation to relieve heart and keep arteries clean. Bitter gourd cooked with Asafoetida is recommended as diet for people suffering with high blood pressure.

Hing is used for lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels; it can dissolve LDL and raise level of HDL. This spice has contraceptive properties too; it has been used in many traditional medicines as contraceptive even today.

Asafoetida has antiepileptic properties and works well for people overcoming alcoholism. This spice has phytonutrients which are excellent in treating ethanol induced hepatotoxicity.

Recently Asafoetida was found very beneficial in inhibiting activity of H1N1 virus and treating Swine Flu. This spice has been used since ancient times for treating colic in babies, warm Asafoetida is placed on baby�s stomach to provide relief.

Asafoetida has aphrodisiac properties and enhances male libido, it also strengthens nervous system and promotes even blood flow all over the body. It is necessary ingredients of all commercial preparations for curing digestive disorders and regularizing defecation. It also works as potent diuretic and expels intestinal worms in young children or adults. Asafoetida paste is applied externally to treat Ringworm and has been found very effective in controlling this stubborn infection.

Asafoetida or hing is not used with onions and garlic, in fact this is used as a substitute to these, Hing has strong aroma and unique taste which forbids its use with garlic and onion as it can make food overtly flavored.

Read about Darjeeling Loose Leaf Green Tea. Also know Darjeeling Loose Leaf Black Tea.

What Are The Culinary Uses Of Hing Asafoetida Powder?

Historically Hing or Asafoetida was first used in Europe, over time its use decreased there but it is commonly used in Indian Subcontinent. Hing or Asafoetida is very beneficial for health and its special aroma and flavor improves taste of food, today this is one of the favorites of cooks and homemakers. Asafoetida is derived from plant Ferula Asafoetida from Apiaceae family. The resin like gum is extracted from roots and stem of the plant which is whitish in color when fresh. Once this resin dries out it turns to amber color and hardens. These days Hing is available either in powder form or compound form. To obtain pure Asafoetida or hing out of compound form there is very simple technique. Dry heat the whole compound in a fry pan for 3-5 minutes, flip it and heat its other side as well. After few minutes white patches here and there will start to appear, let it cool down but not completely and when it is bearably hot take out the white patches. Collect them and grind them in grinder to get pure Hing Asafoe

tida powder. Powder obtained with this method not only has better aroma and taste but also more nutrition and holds good for one month if stored properly.

Culinary Uses of Hing Asafoetida Powder

Hing or Asafoetida powder is particularly used for seasoning lentils and beans, it makes these dishes very tasty and aromatic and also easy to digest. Hing Asafoetida powder is fried with turmeric, red chili, cumin seeds and celery in clarified butter to season Lentils after cooking for special taste and smell.

Hing or Asafoetida powder is used in all type of Curries; it compliments other spices and makes Curries even more delectable. This is used in gravies prepared for non-veggie dishes particularly chicken.

Hing or Asafoetida powder is used with all commonly cooked vegetables like Potato, Cauliflower, Green vegetables, Cabbage etc. Whether cooked dried or with gravy these vegetables get enhanced taste and aroma if seasoned with Asafoetida powder.

In Southern India cuisines like Sambhar and Rasam are commonly made for daily meals. Hing Asafoetida powder is necessary ingredient to enhance their taste and nutritional value.

Hing or Asafoetida powder mixed with salt is used to sprinkle over salad for taste, its smell and unique taste adds to the flavor of raw vegetables and fruits used to prepare salad platter. This mixture is also used with Buttermilk and fruit juices.

Read about Darjeeling Green Tea Loose Leaf. Also know Darjeeling Black Tea Loose Leaf.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Coriander Powder?

Coriander contains many fatty acids and essential volatile oil; it has been found that this spice is rich source of certain oils and acids which not only provide it a unique aroma but also digestive, carminative and anti-flatulent properties.

Coriander seeds or powder is rich source of dietary fiber; availability of dietary fiber improves digestion and helps body flush out toxins from digestive and excretory system. These benefits not only help in curing constipation but also reduce body�s toxicity levels.

Regular use of Coriander powder in the diet has been found as easiest and effective protection against colon cancer. Coriander possesses dietary fiber which binds with bile salts produced by cholesterol reducing their absorption back in colon cells. This protects colon mucus membrane and reduces chances of cancer.

Salmonella is a commonly found disease caused by food items which can be even deadly in some cases. Coriander possesses dodecenal which have been found as potent anti-bacterial compound in recent studies and researches. Medical experts have suggested that anti-bacterial properties of this compound are highly effective and strong compared to any other spice or herb found commonly. By regular intake of Coriander powder one can minimize chances of catching-up Salmonella and stay healthy and fitter.

Coriander powder supplies anti-oxidants along with dietary fiber which makes it a healthy food item, quality of anti-oxidants found in coriander can match those of any herb and control activity of free radicals in the body. Together with fiber these anti-oxidants help in keeping body free of toxins and harmful chemicals.

Presence of powerful anti-oxidants, dietary fiber, volatile oils and flavanoids make coriander an effective anti-diabetic. Research suggests that use of Coriander powder as spice in food help in controlling blood sugar and lowering its level in blood. This is also effective in slowing down the process of absorption of sugar in blood during digestion to provide effective support to diabetics.

Lower your harmful cholesterol level by using coriander, Flavanoids and fiber help in reducing level of LDL in the body and increase level of HDL to its reduce overall fat content. People consuming similar type of food but one group consuming Coriander showed much lesser LDL level compared to the group eating same food without Coriander.

Coriander is rich source of vital minerals iron, copper, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese and copper. These minerals, promote growth of red blood cells, cell metabolism, and sperm generation; control heart rate, reduce blood pressure, aid digestion, promote growth and maintain bodily fluids.

Coriander is a rich source of vitamin C and vitamins from B-complex group like Riboflavin, Niacin and Thiamin.

Read about Darjeeling Green Tea Loose Leaf. Also know Darjeeling Black Tea Loose Leaf.

What Are The Culinary Uses of Coriander Powder?

Coriander powder is obtained by grounding coriander seeds of coriander plant, this aromatic, pleasant and spicy powder have long been used as condiment in large part of the world. Coriander plant is from Apiaceae family and its Latin name is Coriandrum Sativum. The seeds of coriander plant are hollow and yellowish in color; these are available as dried and can be used as condiment after cleaning and grounding. Coriander powder shall be made according to the need as the seeds once grounded loose their aroma and taste very quickly. Seeds can be kept in sunlight for 1-2 days or can be baked till they become crisp, dried seeds can be stored in any airtight opaque container and grounded to form a powder.

Coriander is native to Southeastern Europe now cultivated all over Europe and in India, China, Turkey and Middle-east extensively. Coriander is used as condiment and herb; its leaves bear stark resemblance with Italian Parsley and are also used for seasoning and treatment. Coriander is available throughout the year and it is used in sweet dishes as much as in savory dishes. It is advisable to make Coriander powder at home rather than purchase from the market as shelf life of powder is very less and may not remain good after sometime.

Coriander leaves, seeds and powder are known to possess many plant-derived chemicals and compounds which are immensely helpful in disease prevention and protecting health in many ways.

Culinary Uses of Coriander Powder

Culinary uses of Coriander powder are immense; it is used in sweet as well salty dishes for enhancing aroma and taste. Coriander seeds can be grounded coarsely or finely as per recipe requirement.

Coarsely grounded Coriander is necessary part of pickles after mixing it with vegetable oil, red chilly, turmeric, celery and other spices. It is also used liberally in chutneys to give it taste and fragrance.

Coriander powder can be kept at dining table and used as taste enhancer with curd, yoghurt, butter milk and juices.

Coriander powder is used in all sorts of curries and gravies; it works well evenly for veggie and non-veggie dishes. Its rub over meat before roasting improves its taste and gives it a savory look.

Russian dark rye bread uses Coriander powder which is well utilized in Barbecue.

Coriander seeds are used in confectionaries, stews, pancakes, waffle mixes, sausages and sweet bread. One teaspoon added to pot of beans, posole or enchilades can give them a fine fragrance and enhance their taste.

Read about Darjeeling Green Tea Loose Leaf. Also know Darjeeling Black Tea Loose Leaf.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Chili Powder?

Chili contains three main compounds Capsaicin, Capsanthin and Capsorubin. The heat comes from Capsaicin which is majorly found in seeds or membrane of chili flesh. Heat of chili is measured in SHU, Scoville heat units, Sweet bell pepper measures 0 on SHU scale while Mexican habaneros scales from 200,000 to 500,000 units. Capsaicin spreads with water, if you have bitten too much chili try cheese, butter, potato, milk or yoghurt instead of water as starch and fat present in these will dilute Capsaicin and relieve the heat. In order to reduce heat, soak chilies with water adding a pinch of salt or vinegar, this will take away excess heat; do not use remaining mixture for cooking.

Health Benefits of Chili Powder

Chili is known to have Capsaicin, this compound has many health benefits and researches have shown that it possesses strong anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic, anti-carcinogenic and analgesic properties.

Chili is rich source of vitamin C, this vitamin is vital for body as it is required in Collagen synthesis. Collagen is main structural protein in the body which is necessary for maintaining integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs and bones.

Chili powder also possesses good quality anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are needed by the body to inhibit activity of free radicals which are extremely harmful and initiate life-threatening diseases like cancer. Chili has Vitamin A and flavonoids to prevent ill-effects of stress, diseases and medication.

Chilies contain a good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, iron and magnesium. These minerals are very beneficial and help in controlling heart rate, blood pressure and also provide support to vital systems of the body.

Chili powder is rich in B complex group of vitamins such as niacin, Pyridoxine, riboflavin and thiamine. Regular use of Chili powder fulfills body�s requirement of these vitamins.

The compound abundantly found in Chili is Capsaicin; this compound is an integral part of every painkilling gel, lotion and sprays. Capsaicin is well known for inhibiting pain signals to the brain and provides relief from severe pain caused by diseases like Arthritis, muscle pulls, sprains and post-herpetic neuropathic pain. The biggest advantage of Chili powder is that it helps the body in lowering LDL levels which is bad fat and causes obesity. Those who want to lose few extra kilos can use Chili powder for better taste as well as for getting thinner and leaner.

Add a pinch of Chili powder to your food and enhance its taste and color. It is one of the most important ingredients of spice blends.

Read about Darjeeling Green Tea Loose Leaf. Also know Darjeeling Black Tea Loose Leaf.

What Are The Culinary Uses Of Chili Powder?

Chili powder is hot and is used all around the world to spice up food and stimulate taste buds; it is also used to give special color and aroma to cuisines. Chili or Chili pepper is native to Central America and is used in Mexican cuisines since centuries. Chili plant is perennial small shrub that grows up to a meter height, it bears white flowers and its fruits can be fleshy, mild, Mexican bell peppers or finger like green in color commonly grown all over India. Fruit is either plucked when green or is allowed to dry, it is either used fresh as green chili or is dried and grounded to make powder. When dried, green chili turns into red, however chili is found in many attractive colors like yellow, mustard and black.

Culinary Uses of Chili Powder

Red Chili powder or pepper can be used in any cuisine except sweets to enhance taste and increase heat. Chili in powdered form is used with curd, yoghurt, sprinkled over fried potato dishes etc.

Chili sauces are excellent support to enhance taste and heat of the food, take habanoras or Serrano chili, add two tablespoons of Lime juice and one tablespoon of Orange juice mince together and serve. It works as smacking taste enhancer.

Add Chili powder to soups to enhance its taste and nutritional value, one very tasty cuisine is barley and bean soup. Use Olive oil to cook and add garlic and Red Chili powder, stir to let them combine evenly and add barley, beans and water to make a delicious and nutritious soup.

Red chili powder can add extra spice and heat to tomato sauce. Add some Chili powder to minced tomatoes and make sauce for improved taste.

Chili paste will help a lot while cooking and it can be prepared quite easily. Take dried red chilies and break them into pieces, boil for 30 minutes with water to make a paste. This paste stays fresh for 10 days in a refrigerator and can be topped on crackers, fried potatoes, vegetables, gravies and as meat rub.

Chili infused oil are endlessly useful, it can be used for saut�©ing food, salad dressing, with vegetable marinades and meat. Cooking in Chili infused oil is easiest way to enhance taste of food.

Chili infused Vinegar is smacking substitute for simple Vinegar; it can be used for pickling, dressing, vegetable topper and with bread. Chili infused vinegar is good substitute for oils used in meat marinades and for making puddings and sauces.

Read about Darjeeling Green Tea Loose Leaf. Also know Darjeeling Black Tea Loose Leaf.